To build a small monitor as “Do It Yourself (DIY) kit” has been on the wish list for a long time. One of my successful small monitors are the Kiwi loudspeakers. Bass and tweeter show their excellent characteristics in a very small cabinet. Is it now possible to achieve this excellent sound again with the same tweeter and a different bass with different construction and material?
A couple of “Kiwis” are available for comparison, but the SAM loudspeakers still have to be built by my friend Samuel. The following instructions will help you, Samuel, and your father to build your own loudspeakers. Although you get prefabricated parts, you need a lot of patience for gluing, damping, sanding, painting and careful installation of the drivers and crossover. A few days of effort will be needed to construct them, but I am sure that the sound will give you, your brothers and parents a lot of joy. But beware, you can also put the volume too loud and that not only harms the ears, it can also destroy your loudspeakers. Have fun with building your first loudspeakers!